Welcome to Cave Engine's Python API!

(Note: This API is up to date with Cave Engine v0.9.8 - PRO)

Welcome to the official Cave Engine API, written to give you a good overview of how python scripting works in Cave and also serve as a Reference for you to write your own custom code.

It was designed with readability in mind, so it's strongly recommended that you to take some time and read thought the entire API to better understand everything. It is full of code samples, tips and insights on how you can use those functions, classes and variables to get the best out of the engine. It also shares some cool and good to know secrets on how Cave works internally, so you can better use and understand it.

Keep in mind that this API is not a Python (language) tutorial and we expect that you have a basic understanding on how this programming language works and how to write code using it, as well as some Object Oriented Programming (OOP) knowledge. If you don't know Python, check this to get started.

How to read the API?

You can start reading it in order, as it appears in the Python API top menu, starting with the Core elements (Scene, Entity, Component) and then exploring all the others. Remember that you can always go back later and use this API as a reference while writting your own codes.

Do I need to install Python or anything?

No! Cave Engine comes with python embedded by default and all the cave modules and submodules are within the engine. Meaning that there is no need to install python by hand on your machine and you also don't need to install any cave modules yourself. In fact, it's not even possible to install it yourself since they only work inside Cave Engine.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to Join one of our discord servers and ask there: